27 countries, almost 200 who take part and worked with us
Thanks to all!
Kunst für Menschlichkeit
Viele kleine Kunstwerke verbinden sich zu einem großen!
Die Ausstellung:
Gemeinsam setzen wir ein Zeichen für Vielfalt, Verbundenheit und Menschlichkeit!
Wir freuen uns und nutzen die ‚Gender-Tipi-Gruppe’ ( weiter.
Insgesamt sind vier Banner entstanden (angebracht werden sie an der Dreiländerbrücke, dem Atelier Mondial, am Stapflehus und Holzpark Klybeck.)
Anne Crochette ,Pirkko Nidecker und Ute Lennartz-Lembeck
The Switzerland-wide exhibition series "course Humain" raises the question of humanity in the context of the current crisis refugee protection through the combination of art and humanity.
The exhibition relies on strong socio-cultural elements: Through artistic activities, workshops with schools and asylum organizations and collaboration with aid agencies and relevant offices created over three courses stations dialogue space that invites to deeper engagement and encounter.
Basel is historic for humanism as striving for humanity and presents itself as a border town for centuries the challenge: bridges or walls?
With works of art for humanity this challenge should be made visible and tangible become. The content interconnected trail stations are in tricorn (Salon Mondial), Klybeck (Wood Park) and Weil am Rhein (Stapfelhus).
Organizers of the exhibition project "course Humain Basel Area" is the non-profit art association path of humanity. Art studio partners Mondial Basel and Art Association Weil am Rhein.
Contributors: Christoph Merian Foundation, Caritas, SolidarMed, Swiss Flüchtligshilfe
Holzpark Klybeck Sonntag, 23. April 14 Uhr
Stapfelhus Sonntag, 16 Uhr
Atelier Mondial 25.April, 17 Uhr
mehr: (take a look at the ‚DOWNLOAD’ : exhibition guide course Humain Basel)
Thanks to all who have worked on, Art for Humanity ':
27 countries, almost 200 GroupMembers!
Thanks to all!
Anne, Pirkko and Ute
Afghanistan, Austria, Belgium, Cambodia, Canada, Denmark, England, Finland, France, Germany, Iraq, Lybia, Mexico, Morocco, Netherlands, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Republic oft he Congo, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland
Guerrilleres del Ganxetby @guerrilleresdelganxetbny, Gunilla Classon, Gylta DomOz, Hannela Palm @mlhpalm, Heather Elliot, Heather Champ @haitchchamp, Heidi, Heidi Ng @heidifyng, Helena Loza. Vicoria Pérez, Idalina da Silva, Ilhan, Inés Inésita Inés, Inge Lampen, Ingrid Niite Vlemmings, Isabelle Matti, Isabelle Capt, Jane Bake Anderson @queen_babs, Janet Hamilton, Jenny Andersson, Jeroen Hollander, Jeoren Marckelbach, Jihan et Fitouri @gogo1399, Josette Jordan, Kbibi Nt styliste, Karen Stephen @westykazz, Kasia Mad, Kathryn Vercillo @kvercillo, Katrien Froyen, Kerstin Nettelblad, Kristine Sinclair @pookieknits, Laura Leiser, Laura Otten, Laurent Dennemont, Leang Im, Lena Johansson Ohlström, Lena Wemberg, Leonie Spichtig, Lety Meza A, Liliane Gofin, Liz Hilton @ladywulbits, Lize Lorent, Lotte Ærsøe, Lotti Cereghetti, Luc Tfaispas, Luisa Lima, Madejas contra la Violencia Sexista @madejascontralaviolenciasexista, Madeleine Hunizker, Madlen Zuber, Maite Hernandez, Maja Nogalska, Malea Chenaux, Malte Hernandez with Miss Maloyagreen and Coro, Marco Schmidt, Maria Persson, Maria Ritta Neva, Marianne Vollmer, Mariet Glotzbach, Marijs Boulogne, Marivi, Martine Liefsoons, Michelle Weiss, Modi Ntambwe, Monika Ueker, Mujinga Mulumba and her children, Muriel De Garcia Wittenberg, Myrna Tjong @nanny_z_stardust, Naouk Rudin, Nassma, Nicole Meier, Nicole Malzer, Nina Jud, Nora Demir, Olga Hernandez, Pablo Pérez, Pia Fässler, Pia Borggren, Pichuchi Land @pichuchiland , Pirkko Nidecker, Pooja, Quentin, Rachel Culleny @rkcunelly, Rachida Blanket, Rea Burkart, Ria van de Velde, Roja, Rita Cavallaro, Rufina Meza, Ruth Abril Stoffel, Sabina Speich @sabinaspeich, Schulklasse Scheuenrain, Shannon Mattingly, Shirin, Sigrid Schmidt-Holzmann, Sofie, Solange Mafuta de Vma and her daughters, Sonia Domingos, Stephen Duneier, Sue Hagan Medlin, Susan Regalia @suregal27, Susi se Enreda @susiseenredaoficial, Teddy IP, Teo Thiron,Teresa Boccia, Togni Alvarez @tamknitting, Toos von Liere, Ulrika Johanna Winstrand, Ute Lennartz-Lembeck, B-Arbeiten @kunstchuleheimat, Ute Jonetat, Vanessa Beart, Vasily Ogney Vlaminck, Vida Justino @vidajustino, Wendy Cooke, Wendy @tiggabrambles, Yammel Giner, Yves Calomme, Yvonne Straub, Yvonne Norder, Zara, Zena Rose, Zera
Anne, Pirkko, Ute